The CNA Membership Assembly will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2019. Bylaws Amendment Proposals must be in the hands of the Secretary two months prior to the meeting.
Please send your suggestions for amendments to me by July 21, 2019. Do not worry about wording–just let me know what it is you would like to propose, and I will put it into appropriate bylaws language and format.
Reference Proposals
Reference Proposals are also welcomed for discussion at the Membership Assembly. These proposals can be on any topic of concern to nurses that you seek CNA endorsement of. They should be submitted by August 31, 2019.
Here is the suggested format for a reference proposal:
Format for Proposals for Action for CNA Membership Assembly
Subject: Title of Report
Action Report or Informational Report (Informational reports do not make recommendations or require action, do not include suggested activities, do not include fiscal impact estimates and do not have suggested champions).
Introduced by:
Suggested Implementation:
Estimated Fiscal Impact:
Suggested Champion:
A sample proposal is available upon request. Please contact Carol O’Meara, Bylaws Committee Chair, at for any questions.
Thanks in advance for your proposals!